Friday, April 19, 2013

The Deepest Wisdom

The deepest wisdom, sometimes called nondual wisdom, teaches us that it is the attachment to and identification with our personal “story”—especially the story of “I” and “me”—that creates all the emotional reactions in our body, and any suffering or drama we experience in our lives. Identification is when “you,” this “self” you take yourself to be, think or believe your “story” is real. Yes, our “story” is also the cause of much of the joy, happiness, and meaning we experience too, which is why it is very much a two-edged sword. When life meets our expectations—our “story”—we are happy. When it doesn’t, we are disappointed, and maybe even feel sad, miserable, or depressed. Unmet expectations create resentment, blame, and perpetuate the cycle of suffering. But as we get freer of our “story,” we abide more in the present moment, and we discover a deeper meaning in life, a more profound peace and harmony. We discover the joy in simply being. We find ourselves one with the flow of life and from this place—here and now—we can use the power of thought and intention to create that which is good, which serves our own and others’ well-being.

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