Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Working with the Residues of Grief

Recently I saw a woman, whom I’ll call Alison, who admitted to me that she wasn’t very “free.” She had chronic fibromyalgia, which meant she was in constant pain on the right side of her body, and this affected her ability to work. She worked as a dog-walker for an agency, and they called her at all kinds of odd hours.

When she walked the dogs, she was usually experiencing pain from the fibromyalgia, and while she loved the dogs themselves, because she loved all animals, she mostly obsessed about the pain she felt. Then she was always thinking about the one-person show she had developed, and had performed a number of times (she was an actress). The show was really her life story, and it was in an ongoing state of development. It was her ultimate goal to be performing her show full-time. She wanted to make a professional living from it.

When she saw me the grief in her eyes, her look, was obvious. She told me the story behind it. Her mother had died over two years ago and she missed her terribly, having frequent sobbing fits. I asked her about the thought, the story she told herself when she had these bouts of intense grief. She told me it was always some version of, “I miss you, Mom…”

Then I asked about her cat, Petals, with whom she had been very close for many years, before she died last year. She said it was the same thing. Like her mother, Petals had been a true and constant companion in her life, and now both were gone. As she relayed this story to me, and the emotional memories they evoked, she started sobbing again. She said, through her tears, “I just miss Petals so much…”

I invited her to breathe deeply, slowly, and consciously into her emotional pain, and as she did this, she gradually became more relaxed and present, the weeping stopped, and after awhile, she smiled.

“What’s happening now?” I asked.

“I just feel more present, more here,” Alison said. “The smile was because of a memory, the way Petals always looked at me first, whenever I fed her… It was as if she was asking my permission, like ‘Is it okay for me to eat now?’”

“Tell me a similarly happy memory of your Mom,” I encouraged her.

She thought for a moment, and then smiled again. “Whenever I would worry about something, Mom would always stroke my hair in a particular way, and reassure me… And it always worked. I’d feel reassured, comforted…”

“Good,” I said, and then I invited her to just relax into silence, to experience her true nature as love, peace, and the harmonious flow of being.

After awhile, she smiled again, a smile of contentment. We just enjoyed each other’s presence.

“So, next time the grief comes up” I said, “just be in the pure experience of it, without any story, without telling yourself ‘I miss Mom so much,’ or ‘I miss Petals so much…’

Just allow yourself to surrender to, to honor, the pure feeling of the grief and I promise you, the grief will gradually leave you, and then you’ll have only the warm, feel-good memories of your Mom and Petals.”

I added: “Because we are not our stories, our memories about our departed loved ones… We have stories and memories about everything, of course, but freedom or self-realization is discovering we are not our thoughts and stories, but rather we are always this… This clear, luminous presence that is right here, right now…”

She smiled again as she heard my words. The presence between us was palpable, an exquisite sense of an alive, vibrating current.

“And guess what?”

“What?” she said, leaning toward me.

“As you stop living in the past and become more established in your true nature—in other words, in present-time awareness—the fibromyalgia pain will diminish, if not clear up all together. Either way, it will be manageable, tolerable. Everything becomes tolerable when you live in freedom.”

Monday, May 16, 2011

Testing My Patience

I have a friend, whom I'll call Roger, who is about ten or twelve years younger than me. He works as a handy-man and occasionally works for a trucking firm, loading and unloading trucks. But these are difficult economic times, and he doesn't have a lot or work, so he is behind on his rent. Fortunately, he has a very forgiving and understanding landlord, otherwise he'd be out on the street, and maybe homeless.

We've gotten together a number of times, usually to take a walk at the beach together. Afterwards I always offer to treat him to a meal and/or a drink, which he has difficulty accepting. As he says: "I have a problem with receiving gifts."

It's a common problem. Many others have it too, but it's not a problem I have. As I've written elsewhere, "If someone wants to give you money, or treat you in some other way, welcome it, open yourself to receiving their generosity, unless you really don't need it." Learning to open yourself to giving and receiving is part of the secret of flow, and of creating more abundance in your life.

The reason why I hang out with Roger is that we have a spiritual connection, a heart connection, and because he gives me a special gift: he tests my patience. How so? He is obsessive-compulsive, and his obsession manifests in an a particular way.

Whenever he gets into my car, he always leaves one leg outside the door while he bends forward, closes his eyes, rests his head on his hand, and breathes short, rapid breaths until his kundalini energy is 'just right,' and he can finally pull his leg in and shut the door, and we can drive off. This process can take a few minutes, or as long as ten minutes or more. Of course, the same thing happens when we get to our destination, and he goes to get out of the car!

Now, if I was the type who could be driven crazy, I would of course be driven crazy by this behavior! But I am a free man. I am awake, conscious. I live in the present. But, I am still very much a human being! So, I do get irritated, impatient with him, especially because this is not the only way his obsessive-compulsive behavior manifests.

Whenever he walks, he has to walk in a particular pattern, always clock-wise (I think!), and when he gets to a drive-way, he has to go back, or around it some way... I'm not quite sure, but I know I say to him a lot, "I'll just meet you at such-and-such a place!" And of course if it has been raining, he cannot walk over any wet ground, so that necessitates even more circumvention!

Why do I bother, you may ask? As I said, we have a heart connection. He is essentially a beautiful guy. When I pointed out to him the last time we got together that he spent much of his time preoccupied, and therefore wasn't really present with me, he denied it at first. But I explained myself. "You're preoccupied because you're always having to think about the route you're taking."

Then he got it. It was like an epiphany. It gave him something to really think about. I had offered, at the outset of our relationship, to help him, in whatever way I could, get free of his OCD.

Maybe this was a start.