Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Seduction of Story

We are a story-telling people, and our stories are important. They matter. We communicate through sharing and telling stories. Journalists make their living by reporting stories. Novelists tell made-up stories. Historians tell stories about the past, what has happened in human history. And ordinary human beings, in their relationships with each other, share stories about what they or others are doing, have done, or hope or plan to do.

But we are not our stories, because our stories, and the very thoughts and words that make them up, come and go, and we are what is always here. Reality, remember—Reality with a capital “R”—is what is always present.

Freedom, and the deep happiness and inner peace that do not depend on anything, comes when we realize this. It arises when we discover that we, as aware, conscious beings, are always here, amidst the ever-changing world of thoughts, stories, sensations, feelings, emotions, events, and circumstances.

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