Monday, April 16, 2012

Getting Free of the Victim Story

A victim, in the most dramatic case, is someone who tells their story of loss and suffering over and over again to anyone who will listen. Not coincidentally, there is usually a lot of “drama” in their story. They may be a victim of some recent circumstance, or of a long-ago situation, such as something that happened in their childhood.

But drama is something that is best left to the pages of a novel, or a cinema or television screen, or a stage play, or a sporting event. If your aim in life is to realize the truth of happiness within, then you have to see that any “drama” that may exist in your life is because of your perception of things—the thoughts and stories you tell yourself.

The more you realize you are not your thoughts or stories, but rather the ever-present, conscious individual in which the thoughts and stories arise and disappear, the freer you will be of any personal drama. Then you’ll live, basically every moment, in the ease, harmony, and flow of your true nature.

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